
  1. whoosh

    Radiation levels fall in Fukushima seawater

    The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has detected high levels of a radioactive substance that tends to accumulate in human bones. Tokyo Electric Power Company says it took soil samples on May 9th at 3 locations about 500 meters from the No.1 and No.2 reactors and...
  2. whoosh

    Radiated Vegetables ? Dont worry just wash them !

    Expert Answer: According to former University of Tokushima professor Jun Sekizawa, much of the radioactive material found on spinach can be eliminated by washing and boiling it. As for milk, Sekizawa says, “drinking even the most contaminated [1,500 becquerels] several times is still less than...
  3. whoosh

    Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th

    Link Removed Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th : Link Removed - Invalid URL
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima introduces Strontium to Enviroment

    Japan has admitted the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is on par with the one at Chernobyl. At the same time, Japan’s science and technology ministry reports strontium, a heavy radioactive metal that is a catalyst for leukemia, has been detected around the crippled reactors. In addition to...
  5. whoosh

    Strontium Isotopes Detected in Moscow - Japan, Canada and U.S. Have Some Explaining To Do

    According to an article by Agence France Presse on April 1,"Radon, a company set up in Moscow to monitor radioactivity and dispose of radioactive waste in central Russia, has been detecting traces of iodine and strontium isotopes since last week, deputy director Oleg Polsky said." ["Moscow...
  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...