
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Radioactive Water To Be Dumped Into The Ocean!!!!!!

    So now they are not even bothering to try to store the radioactive water just dump it straight into the ocean !
  2. cybercore

    Tweaking the climate to save it: Who decides?

    Scientists of earth, sea and sky, scholars of law, politics and philosophy: In three intense days cloistered behind Chicheley Hall's old brick walls, four dozen thinkers pondered the planet's fate as it grows warmer, weighed the idea of reflecting the sun to cool the atmosphere and debated the...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Japan nuclear debate on safety and energy

  4. cybercore

    Microsoft Opens European Cloud Center

    Microsoft has today opened a European Cloud & Interoperability Center (CIC) in Brussels. Located within the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center, Microsoft has invested 5.3m Euroes into the CIC – designed to drive innovation and economic growth across Europe through business use of cloud...
  5. cybercore

    ☂☁ Ways to Help Tsunami Victims ☁☂

    You are all very aware now of the problems facing Japan after an Link Removed - Invalid URL pretty much destroyed a large area of the country. Many of you are wishing there was more you could do than just Link Removed - Invalid URL too. If you are handy at making DIY tech projects, you may be...
  6. cybercore

    Australian city to expel 22,000 bats from downtown gardens

    SYDNEY (Reuters) – A colony of 22,000 bats may be coming to a neighbourhood near you after an Australian court served the flying foxes with an eviction notice and allowed the government to chase them away with loud industrial noise. The court ruled that the grey-headed flying foxes, the...
  7. cybercore

    VIDEO Steam-Powered Race Car Out to Set World Record

    Full steam ahead! Cyclone Power Technologies founder Harry Schoell and Chuk Williams, head of the U.S. Land Steam Record Team, stand in front of a car designed to set a land speed record for steam-powered vehicles. We usually think of steam powering things such as old-fashioned...
  8. cybercore

    Sweden, the top most eco friendly country in the world

    Sweden is famous from some time for its eco-friendly culture and politics. Ever since the 1973 oil crisis, Sweden has made a commitment to reduce dependence of fossil fuels. The Nordic country was depending on imported fossil fuels being vulnerable to price changes on the global market. The...
  9. cybercore

    VIDEO In the Future, Your Car May Be Made of Mushrooms

    In the Future, Your Car May Be Made of Mushrooms In the future, mushrooms may be as common in cars as they are on pizza. Believe it or not, scientists who are trying to find more sustainable ways to build car parts believe the answers may be found in things such as mushroom roots...
  10. News

    Windows 7 Mark Aggar: Energy Smart Software

    Ensuring that applications work well with Windows Power Management is a vital step in providing a solid end user experience and reducing IT energy costs. Developers need to ensure their applications areLink Removed. Here, we visit Mark Aggar, a Director in the Link Removed to get some insights...
  11. cybercore

    Plastic Jar Removed From Fla. Bear Cub's Head

    Plastic Jar Removed From Fla. Bear Cub's Head Link Removed - Invalid URL OCALA, Fla. (Aug. 14) - A bla ck bear cub in Florida affectionately known as "jarhead" can finally enjoy a good meal. A clear plastic container was removed from the 6-month-old cub's head after being stuck for at least...
  12. Nibiru2012

    Paul Hellyer - Extremely thought-provoking and highly intelligent. If you're Concerned About the Fa

    NOTE: The main title should have read: ...and The World, .... had a minor brain cramp on that. I encourage any and all who are interested to check out this man's website. I heard a radio interview with him on 8-4-2010 and even though he's now 87 years in maturity, he is extremely lucid and...
  13. cybercore

    The Ultimate Hacker's Diet (how to loose weight)

    The Hacker's Diet Contents Preface Introduction About losing weight About this book About you About me About the computer tools About pounds and inches About time! Engineering The Eat Watch Food and feedback Motivation and manipulation Programmer...
  14. kemical

    Get ready for 'Earth Hour'!

    On the 27th March @ 8.30pm is 'Earth Hour' and the WWF (World wildlife fund) is asking everyone to turn off there lights ect for one hour: ABOUT EARTH HOUR Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their...
  15. whoosh

    Windows 7 Silicon, the new lithium?

    Link Removed A new breakthrough may bring silicon-air batteries to market in less than 5 years. Is it time for lithium-ion to step aside? Sun, Nov 29 2009 at 9:39 PM EST Read more: Link Removed due to 404 Error, Link Removed due to 404 Error, Link Removed due to 404 Error, Link Removed due to...