
  1. Windows 7 Powershell LAN/WLAN Switcher

    Many times people may have both their wireless NIC and wired NIC connected at the same time. This can create a bridge and cause your network performance to degrade. Here is a powershell script that could be setup as a scheduled task to run at start up. What it does it detect if the wired nic...
  2. Windows 7 [VB.NET] - Form Fade Switcher Module

    Here's a cool module I created a while ago. I got the idea with some cool fading effects... Maybe you'll find use for this too :) If you want something fancy, try this Module I came up with: Imports System.Threading Module FormSwitcher <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _...
  3. Windows 8 Method to Disable Charms Bar

    I found this in another Forum. Many have asked how to do this: Very Cool!. The Charms Bar is still available, but does not pop up until you actually put your cursor in the Top, Right or Bottom Right corner and slide it along the right edge, then Charms pops up. Gives a way to not have Charms...
  4. P

    Windows Vista Vista Desktop Switcher

    I cannot operate the new updated window switcher on Vista. How do I do it? Please help
  5. S

    Windows Vista Windows Switcher 3D no Workie workie

    My Windows Switcher no longer works in 3D mode. What happened, I know not. Any Ideas.:confused: