system architecture

  1. Understanding the Windows Kernel: Stability and Security Explained

    The Windows kernel is the unsung hero at the heart of every Windows PC. It is the essential, always-on foundation that orchestrates the interplay between your software and hardware. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what the Windows kernel is, how its unique structure underpins system...
  2. Understanding 32-bit vs. 64-bit Windows: Which Is Right for You?

    Ever taken a stroll down the lane of computer specifications and stumbled on terms like “32-bit” or “64-bit”? These seemingly technical designations hold the key to how your Windows operating system functions and impacts your PC’s ultimate potential. Microsoft Support has some FAQs on this...
  3. F

    Windows 8 Upgrade from XP 32-bit to Win 8 64-bit

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right place to post this one so forgive me if it's not. Apparently you cannot update from a 32-bit version of Windows (XP in my case) to 64-bit Win 8 using the Windows Upgrade Assistant and the downloadable $39.99 version, you have to purchase a boxed DVD set and...
  4. G

    Windows 7 On x64 OS i'll get more performance using x86 softwares?

    Hi there! I would like to know if on a x64 Operating System I'll get more performance from the x86 softwares than the x64 versions... I have Windows x64 and 4 GB of ram...and if i'll use a software such as Autodesk Maya....i'll get more performance on Maya x86 than Maya x64? Does Maya x86 use...
  5. Windows 7 Do I want Windows x86 or x64 update?

    Hi I'm looking at the Windows backwards compatibility update and they have two versions for Windows 7 one is labeled "All supported x86-based versions of Windows 7" and the other is labeled "All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7". I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit...