
  1. Windows 7 Windows Boot Loader Doesn't Work

    Ok, so earlier today I was trying to load Ubuntu on my ThinkPad. When I tried to load it on the boot menu it just loads Windows 7. I have also tried this with Chromium OS. But it just loads Windows 7 as usual. Does anyone know a fix to this? My model is a Think T60 2009 (I think.)
  2. H

    Windows 7 Using F5 Firepass(vpn) to access network share, win 7 64bit sp1

    Hi, I am currently having some problems with BSoD appearing while I'm browsing local network shares on our company servers through F5 Firepass vpn. It seems to come at random when you are viewing/editing office documents, but you can force the same bsod by searching for ppt etc on a network...
  3. Windows 7 desktop wallpaper turns black?

    I'm having a problem where the desktop wallpaper slide show always turns black after certain period of time and waking up from hibernation. Changing the resolution sometimes helps, so does logging off and back in. It's a pretty annoying problem, anyone else experiencing the same thing? btw, the...