
  1. O

    Windows 7 Minimized Tab Veiwing

    I notice that when minimized IE shows each tab individually when the mouse hovers over the minimized icon, however this does not work for firefox. Is this an issue that microsoft should address? Or is it something that mozilla needs to incorporate into their next firefox build?
  2. A

    Windows 7 Two features I would like to see added.

    After messing with the beta, I have found 2 features that would make the workflow faster and eliminate a small...tiny....annoyance. 1. Tabs in Explorer When you have one tab active in explorer (yes, I use explorer), you can click the explorer icon in the taskbar and it will minimize it...
  3. T

    Windows Vista Vista Tab Folder

    What you think of this feature? would you want a "Tab" folder system explorer in windows vista? where you can do alot in one "Explorer" just like IE7 tabs n ff!? You can request this feature for windows vista! if you like... Link Removed due to 404 Error OR Link Removed - Invalid URL