taskbar issue

  1. L

    Windows 10 How to get application to work in Windows 10

    Hello, I recently purchased a new desktop PC and a retail license of Windows 10. I have an application that worked on my old Windows 7 desktop, but is not working on my new Windows 10 desktop. This application is very important to and need to continue to use it. Note, this application was...
  2. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Having problems installing Windows.

    Hi I got a new computer and I'm giving my old one to my nephew. I cleaned it all out formatted the drives and reinstalled Windows 10 pro. The problem is first I had a lot of problems getting the install to run. When I get to the point where I select the drive to install it on I get the...
  3. T

    Windows 8 Having Trouble With Apps Minimizing

    I notice that starting when I upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1, if I open a Windows App (such as the Store), the app will IMMEDIATELY minimize to the taskbar. This does not happen with applications such as IE, but it happens with BOTH Windows and non-Windows apps. This was not happening before...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Start Up

    Hello everyone, I have noticed over time that when I log on to Windows 7 Home Premium, it says, "welcome" and the loading circle stays for a minute or two. Then, I often have to wait about 4 to 5 minutes for the windows desktop and task bar along with the icons to load. While I am waiting for...
  5. F

    Windows 7 video players picture too dark

    Hi I have been looking for a Media player that will play my files and have tried many...perhaps that is the problem, because despite uninstalling all tried programs a videoplayer such as Gom (or any player) displays a very dark picture requiring me to set brightness to max.... I have had a...
  6. V

    Windows 7 Win 7 x64 Professional, BSOD after Logo screen (System_service_exception, STOP: 0x0000003B), seems t

    Hi all, Please help me if you can, as my main desktop is down. Thanks a lot for your time. Please read on. Sorry for the lengthy post. Problem Summary . The machine has only 1 OS: Windows 7 x64 Professional. If I try to boot normally past the Windows logo screen, I'll receive a BSOD and...
  7. jasonjinct

    Windows 7 Language Bar Gone + Cannot Change Language Input

    Hi, I already added chinese(PRC) keyboard input in regional and language setting, and the language bar setting set to docked on taskbar. The chinese input work before, but after restart the language bar gone, and now I can't change language input, and can't input chinese anymore, even I set Hot...