
  1. S

    Windows 10 Constant BSOD and even KERNEL_INPage_ERROR

    Hello, I built a computer and for a few months it worked fine. Now I get BSOD with Critical Process Died, I reinstalled windows and it sort of stopped it for a while but the screens come back a couple of weeks later. This has happened several times :(. I did the tool thing and the file is...
  2. Windows 7 Bluescreen - NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

    Hello, i have issues with my computer. Last week my computer crashed with a bluescreen caused by a damaged ram (BSOD > Memory_Management) (was using 2x4gb). With the help of Memtest i found the broken ram and bought a new package of the exactly same (modelnumber is same!). Now I have - due...
  3. J

    Windows 7 BSOD by java??

    Hello everyone, I was having a random BSOD every day (MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION (9c)) caused appearently by intelppm in a brand new PC. I changed in windows registry the value of the variable "Start" in "hkey_local_machine/system/currentcontrolset/services/intelppm" to 4, it was on 3, and after...