technical evangelist

  1. Episode 181: Azure Data Factory and Big Legacy Data with Shweta Gupta | Microsoft Azure...

    In this special episode Lara Rubbelke is joined by Shweta Gupta, a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft. Shweta joins the show to talk about her experience helping a healthcare customer solve a big legacy data problem with Azure Data Factory. In this scenario, they wanted to use Streaming...
  2. Episode 179: Oxford APIs with Mat Velloso | Microsoft Azure Cloud Cover Show

    In this episode Chris Risner and Haishi Bai are joined by Mat Velloso, a Senior Technical Evangelist in DX. Mat joins us to talk about the Oxford APIs, machine learning, Link Removed, and Link Removed. Mat starts by talking about inspired him to quickly build Twins or Not while on...
  3. Windows 7 Episode 73 - Nick Harris on Push Notifications for Windows 8

    Join Wade and Link Removed each week as they cover Windows Azure. You can follow and interact with the show at Link Removed. In this episode, Wade is joined by Link Removed—Technical Evangelist for Windows Azure—who shows us the Consumer Preview update of the Link Removed. Nick goes into depth...
  4. Windows 7 OData Service for Team Foundation Server 2010

    In this video, Link Removed (Sr. Technical Evangelist for Team Foundation Server) demonstrates the beta of the new OData Service for Team Foundation Server 2010. The purpose of this project is to help developers work with data from Team Foundation Server on multiple types of devices (such as...
  5. Windows 7 Cloud Cover - Hard Hat Edition

    Join Wade and Steve each week as they cover the Microsoft cloud. You can follow and interact with the show at Link Removed. In this episode, Wade and Steve couldn't resist the urge to visit the Channel 9 studio while it's under construction. While deftly avoiding the danger of falling studio...
  6. Free Windows 7 RTM Tests

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed - Invalid URL Still unconvinced to make the jump to Windows 7? Well, Microsoft is, by all means, delivering consistent efforts to win customers over, including offering free downloads of the operating system. The latest...