
  1. davehc

    Windows 10 Windows 7/8 to use Windows 10 style updating

    If you are intending to return to the earlier OSs, this may dissuade you. Windows 7 and 8.1 move to Windows 10-style updates | TechRadar
  2. davehc

    Windows 8 Windows 7/8 to adopt Windows 10 style updating

    Bad news for many? Windows 7 and 8.1 move to Windows 10-style updates | TechRadar added later. Here is the original fwiw. Further simplifying servicing model for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
  3. brkkab

    Windows 8 62 Windows 8 & 8.1 Tips

    TechRadar just put up a updated list of 62 Windows 8 & 8.1 tips. Here's the article link. Link Removed If you don't feel like going to their site and just want to save it on your pc or print it, I copied the article into Word 2010 and attached it here. I neatened it up/cleaned out the extra...
  4. B

    85 Windows 7 tips, tricks and secrets

    These tips could be very helpful 85 Windows 7 tips, tricks and secrets | News | TechRadar
  5. News

    Asus Sticking with Windows 7 Tablets

    Asus will continue to build Window 7 tablets, calling Microsoft's OS a worthy competitor to the Apple iPad and the army of Android tablets on the market. An Asus official told TechRadar that the company gets a lot of inquiries from the consumer and business market for Windows 7 tablets, so it...
  6. cybercore

    Windows 7 Gaming to be a “key component” of Windows 8 development

    Windows 8 Center According to a source that has tipped off Techradar, Microsoft plans to use Windows 8 as an opportunity to “relaunch PC gaming.” Recently hired Rahul Sood, who had founded luxury computer manfacturer Vodoo PC, was quoted saying that The company has induced some...
  7. kemical

    A Win for Windows 7 as Microsoft OS beats Mac's Snow Leopard in awards

    Windows 7 got a boost from the Techradar Awards this afternoon after it trounced its rival Apple's Snow Leopard Operating System to win the software category. Okay so Apple did win 8 out of the 17 awards including the Essential phone of the year for the iPhone 3Gs, so Steve Jobs won't exactly...