
  1. Radioactivity at Fukushima No.3 Reactor Continues to Leak into Ocean !

    Tokyo, May 15 (QNA) - The operator of Japan''s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant announced that radioactive materials continue to leak into the ocean near the plant. The Tokyo Electric Power Company said 140 becquerels of cesium-134 per cubic centimeter, was measured on Saturday morning near...
  2. Fukushima leak enough radioactive water to fill an Olympic swimming pool.

    Reuters) - Japanese officials are readying a new approach to stabilizing a reactor at a nuclear plant crippled by an earthquake and tsunami after discovering a leak from the containment vessel of enough radioactive water to fill an Olympic swimming pool. The discovery has forced officials to...
  3. Fukushima Cover Up Confirmed

    Visual evidence now confirms what earlier was known: namely, that Tokyo Electric’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station experienced at least one core nuclear meltdown, perhaps much worse than now admitted. An earlier article explained, accessed through the following link: Link...
  4. Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Reactor 3 Leaking Radioactive Water into Ocean !

    No one knew it was leaking until a worker found it on May 11. The amount of radioactive materials in the leaking water was far less than the pit water gushing from the Reactor 2 back in early April. Reactor 3 uses MOX fuel. TEPCO announced on May 11 evening that a high concentration of...
  5. Plan to flood Fukushima reactor could cause new blast, experts warn !

    Plant operator Tepco reveals meltdown and breach of pressure vessel, with Greenpeace warning against pumping water in. Greenpeace has urged Tepco to abandon plans to flood the container with water, given the likelihood that melted fuel had damaged it. Shaun Burnie, nuclear adviser to Greenpeace...
  6. Fukushima 8 tons of water an hour . So where is all that radioactive water going then ?

    Fuel rods in the No 1 reactor of Japan's Fukushima No 1 nuclear power plant may have mostly melted and dropped to the bottom of the pressure vessel as the water level in the vessel has been found to be significantly lower than thought, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday (May 12). The fuel...
  7. Bad news on Fukushima . Complete meltdown !

    TODAY'S MOST VIEWED TEPCO: Unit No. 1 is now “in a state of meltdown” — Suspects there are holes in bottom of reactor (VIDEO) (929) NILU ends public forecasts as map shows large radiation clouds now over US, Canada (VIDEOS) (524) “It’s Official: Fukushima Was Hit With a Full-Blown Nuclear...
  8. VIDEO TEPCO Admits Fukushima in Meltdown, Worst Case Scenario 5/12/11

  9. TEPCO seems to be going backwards in getting the situation under control

    Reuters) - One of the reactors at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has a hole in its main vessel following a meltdown of fuel rods, leading to a leakage of radioactive water, its operator said on Thursday. The disclosure by Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) is the latest...
  10. Fukushima Water Leaks. Unclear Where Radioactive Water Going.

    There must be a large leak," Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at the utility also known as Tepco, told a news conference on Thursday. "The fuel pellets likely melted and fell, and in the process may have damaged ... the pressure vessel itself and created a hole," he added. Since the...
  11. Tepco: Fukushima Fuel Rods Are Fully Exposed

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. said fuel rods are fully exposed in the No. 1 reactor at its stricken Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant, setting back the utility’s plan to resolve the crisis. The water level is 1 meter (3.3 feet) below the base of the fuel assembly, Junichi Matsumoto, a general...
  12. Workers adjust gauges to flood Fukushima No. 1 reactor with water

    TOKYO — Workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant adjusted measuring gauges Tuesday as part of the process to flood the vessel containing the No. 1 reactor with water and create a system to keep the fuel inside cool. But the working environment remains tough due to...
  13. Dangerous radiation level at Fukushima No.1 reactor detected

    The recent 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami in Japan triggered a number of explosions at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which caused the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. The radiation levels in the building exceed expected levels reaching as high as 700 millisieverts per...
  14. No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

    residents of Japan have good cause to mistrust the media, TEPCO officials, and members of their government when it comes to assurances about radiation levels, plutonium dispersal, and the related health risks. Americans also have good cause to mistrust these same sort of assurances issued to...
  15. Could Fukushima provide catalyst for Japanese youth to reach criticality?

    TOKYO — Calls to protest bring thousands, the conventional press is shunned and rogue academics suddenly find people are willing to listen—it would be going too far to say Japan was joining the “Arab Spring,” but the nuclear crisis has shown there are limits to youth apathy in this country...
  16. Fukushima :Radioactive Readings Jump In Japan's Seabed !

    Levels of radioactive substances have jumped in the Pacific seabed off Japan to as much as 1,000 times the normal readings, authorities have announced. Seabed samples collected near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, crippled by a massive earthquake and tsunami in March, contained radioactive...
  17. VIDEO From inside Fukushima

    Tokyo Electric Power Company release new video shot by a remote-controlled robot, showing inside reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Whilst the footage, captured by a "packbot", confirmed that electricity and water supplies inside the reactor were undamaged, monitoring...
  18. All the measures at Fukushima are not working !

    77-year-old Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute on the situation at Fukushima I Nuke Plant, as he appeared on Asahi TV on April 29. As I watched the video, I started to like Mr. Ishikawa, who continues to believe in the safety of nuclear power generation. He didn't mince...
  19. Highly-toxic plutonium surfaces at Fukushima nuke plant

    TOKYO: Highly-toxic plutonium has been found in soil in five separate locations at the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in northeast Japan, the facility's operator said Tuesday, which has caused global concern about the growing severity of the crisis at the leaking plant. Owner and...
  20. Get ready to be dumped on again !

    TEPCO has been pouring water into the reactor vessels containing the rods since the disaster to cool them as an emergency measure. [ID:nL3E7FI0C7] In a further step towards a cold shutdown, TEPCO is filling the containment vessel -- an outer shell of steel and concrete that houses the reactor...