tmp files

  1. A

    Windows 10 (3/4/5 digits).tmp 450 files totalling 650MB found in SysWOW64 folder - What are they?

    Hi, I found 650MB .tmp files in my SysWOW64 folder, why are they there? I can't find anything online about them. Some of the file names are 445.tmp, 3903.tmp and 11920.tmp My attention was drawn to them after ESET detected one of them as a virus, the detection name was something like...
  2. miseryguts

    Windows 7 Empty locked folders continuously created on drive..?

    I have most of my games & Steam on this particular SSD & every time I access the drive to add a mod etc there is always at least 50 empty locked .tmp folders (lost count of the number of times I've deleted them) they are all variously named but all start with MSI.. what are they & how can I...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Constant disk activity on new laptop slowing EVERYTHING down

    Just got a new Acer aspire laptop for christmas. Everything works fine except that every time I turn it on or wake it up, there's about a 10 minute period of non-stop disk activity that causes every other application to come to a grinding hault. I downloaded process monitor and checked it out...