torrent download

  1. G

    Windows 8 win 8 gets stuck when conected to net/wifi..

    yesterday i connected my windows 8 lap to net and was downloading a file from torrent. today morning when i got awake, i just shutdown my lap.. after some time when i switchon my laptop, it was working fine.. but whenever i connected to wifi or 3g net., windows 8 get stuck, and i am not able to...
  2. A

    Windows 7 BSOD: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x000000d1 tcpip.sys driver

    Hello, I am trying to help my friend out with a BSOD problem he is having with is computer. Apparently it is occurring whenever he attempts to download a torrent or that is when he believes it happens. According to the mini dump, the problem has something to do with tcpip.sys driver. I tried...
  3. I

    Windows Vista Key on Laptop

    Im wondering this question. If I lost my recovery disks and partition for windows vista since im soon getting windows 7 will i be able to download a like retail disk image of vista home premium from a torrent and use the laptop key on the bottom. The one on that sticker. Will it work like it...