
  1. J

    Use WPR.exe to trace the source of the issue - Solved!

    What is the correct command to be used so that a session can be started and saves the work when the PC gets the black screen from an error. Cannot be saved manually because it is crashed.
  2. Windows 10 netsh trace with persist cannot record older message after restart the OS on Build 685

    Hi All Experts, I met the issue when I tried to use the netsh trace on Windows 10 build 685. In previous version 630, I use the netsh trace with persist=yes to record the network message and all as normal whatever I restart the OS. But after I update my Windows 10 to build 685, every time...
  3. A

    USB trace event 20001

    Hi, I would really to know when i remove the USB from my computer, i use the USB 20161026 porbably untill 20161110 i removed the USB. I saw pnp happends and two event code 20001 in the system (date 20161110) but the code 20001 was something about a printer, i have not plugged in any printer...
  4. J

    Tracing hardware via asset/serial number

    Morning all, I've recently been brought on to a project to ugrade a companies hardware. I have a list of assets to hand off to a build engineer for rebuilding, but am unable to find a number of laptops in their storage area. I have some suspiscions, but I'd like the chance to rule out foul...
  5. [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

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  6. [SDP3][519b22f2-ce19-47b1-8b88-f97131eddabe] Time Travel Trace and Network Capture Diagnostic

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  7. [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

    The IPSEC Trace Logging diagnostic is designed to collect information to troubleshoot IPSEC-related issues through advanced trace logging. Link Removed - Invalid URL
  8. [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

    The IPSEC Trace Logging diagnostic is designed to collect information to troubleshoot IPSEC-related issues through advanced trace logging. Link Removed
  9. VIDEO The most amazing beat box video ever!!! 4 minutes hip hop history by Eklips for Trace

  10. [SDP 3][50c838e4-5a78-4c7c-a398-efabf1f5aeb7] Fiddler Tracer

    This Support Diagnostics Platform (SDP) diagnostic provides the ability to capture a Fiddler trace of HTTP(S) traffic while you reproduce a problem on your workstation. This trace is then uploaded so Microsoft support can analyze the problem captured in... Link Removed
  11. VIDEO The most amazing beat box video ever!!! 4 minutes hip hop history by Eklips for Trace
