
  1. whoosh

    ART Moving Home

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Windows 8.1 Microsoft says end of support soon Buy a new Windows 11 PC

  3. News

    VIDEO Internet Explorer 11 has retired and is officially out of support—what you need to know

    After 25+ years of helping people use and experience the web, Internet Explorer (IE) is officially retired and out of support as of today, June 15, 2022. To many millions of you, thank you for using Internet Explorer as your gateway to the internet. For our readers in Japan and Korea, please...
  4. News

    Test IE mode in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Driver

    In collaboration with our friends in the Selenium project, the Microsoft Edge team is excited to announce that you can now test Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Driver. With just a few changes to an existing test that runs against Internet Explorer, you can get...
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO I wish I knew these 7 things BEFORE leaving Windows

  6. News

    The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge

    For our readers in Japan and Korea, please use these links: 한국어 블로그와 FAQ는, 여기를 참조하세요. 本ブログの日本語版はこちらです。 Over the last year, you may have noticed our movement away from Internet Explorer (“IE”) support, such as an announcement of the end of IE support by Microsoft 365 online services. Today, we...
  7. News

    VIDEO Microsoft Edge Legacy desktop application support ends today

    Our new modern browser, Microsoft Edge, debuted over a year ago and today can be found on hundreds of millions of devices. Last August, we announced that Microsoft Edge Legacy desktop application support would end on March 9, 2021 as part of this transition to the new Microsoft Edge. Today...
  8. News

    What you need to know about kiosk mode when support for Microsoft Edge Legacy ends

    For many of our customers, kiosk mode in Microsoft Edge Legacy acts as a key touchpoint for both their frontline workers and their own customers. Whether it’s associates helping customers on a retail floor or employees accessing critical tools and apps, kiosk mode has provided a customizable...
  9. T

    Microsoft Lost a Long-Standing Customer Yesterday

    I have been long customer with Microsoft and have always favored your products. I had a Microsoft Kin phone up until I bought a Windows Smart phone. I stayed with Windows Phone until I was forced to switch to Android when Microsoft ceased to support Windows Phone. I was sad to see it go. When I...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch Fox News' SUPER Awkward Transition Into Bomb Scare News

  11. E

    Windows 7 I'm finally going to go to Win 10 from Win 7

    I don't really want to do this, but it seems my 290x-TriX could really use some DX12 love at this point in it's life cycle. So, as far as gaming is related: Have you noticed any difference between Windows 7 and 10? Any have any issues with Steam library needing to be re-downloaded? (Steam...
  12. WeirdChild

    Windows 10 Windows 10 to windows 8 is possible?

    Hello I downloaded win 10 2 years ago And ı loved It first year but now It feels boring And ı want to make my computer windows 8.How can i do it pleasr help me :(
  13. J

    Windows 7 I'm finally going to go to Win 10 from Win 7

    I don't really want to do this, but it seems my 290x-TriX could really use some DX12 love at this point in it's life cycle. So, as far as gaming is related: Have you noticed any difference between Windows 7 and 10? Any have any issues with Steam library needing to be re-downloaded? (Steam...
  14. davehc

    Windows 10 End of Windows - Perhaps

    Interesting, speculative reading, but, from a previously knowledgeable source From Windows to the Cloud – Tim Sneath – Medium
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Camp Ties To Russia A Transition Quandary For Barack Obama Team | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Robert Mueller obtains Trump transition emails

  17. W

    Windows 8 windows

    so I fired up an old laptop with windows 8.1, because my other laptop has windows 10 and takes a day to bootup. OMG what happened to Windows 8? It has been about 6 hors and it still says completeing windows update. Up till 10 I was a loyal MS user, right back from the old MS DOS days on my XT...
  18. Nimit

    Windows 10 One day to go for Windows 10 Upgrade.

    So, today this is the last day of my Windows 8.1.
  19. News

    Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows

    Link Removed
  20. M

    VIDEO Steve Ballmer to Retire Within 12-months

    Microsoft's 13-year CEO announced today his plans to retire within the next year, which surely brings closure to many people who were always skeptical of his behaviour as a person and strategies for the company itself. It's been announced Microsoft is working with both founder Bill Gates and...