trust relationship

  1. W

    Event ID 1309 ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0 Warning

    I see a lot of talk online with this particular event id relating to Exchange. This is not an Exchange server. It's an IIS server running a web page for an inhouse application. I don't really know how to debug it. It only happens very randomly and I'm unsure of the catalyst so far. One...
  2. G

    2 Controller Nodes in an AD Cluster - Windows Server 2012 One is given trust relationship issue when trying to log.

    Hi, Who can help me to put back conroller3 within the trust? Or help me to allow controller4 to take control on th entire AD. Issue: We have two servers in an Active Directory Cluster with no GUI. Everything is done by powershell. One is called Controller3 and the other one Controller4...
  3. A

    Windows 7 Windows XP machines not seen on Windows 7 explorer

    Hi . I dont know if this is in the right place, or whether it is should be in networking, and not been able to see anything relating to this when searching the forum itself. We have two domains both linked with a trust relationship, one has our windows 7 workstations and the other has a number...
  4. S

    Windows 7 (WES7) The Trust Relationship Between This Workstation And The Primary Domain Failed

    I've looked through the applicable posts on this and other forums and I can't seem to find an answer. We have a mix of domain joined Thin Client and ThinPC devices in one of our remote locations running WES7 Enterprise. Shortly after these devices were built, we started seeing "trust...
  5. News

    "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed" error when you log o

  6. T

    Windows 7 Remote Desktop Connection Issue

    I have installed Windows 7 Professional on my workstation, which is part of a domain controlled by a Windows 2003 Server. I have a dual boot configuration with Windows XP Pro, installed on separate hard drives. I enabled Remote Desktop Control on this workstaion, selecting to allow connection...
  7. T

    Windows 7 domain user login fails (windows 7 with windows 2000 server)

    I have recently gotten 3 tablets with win7 preinstalled. I can connect them to our school domain which is located on a win 2000 server. The problem is that I can log in from those machines with my domain administrator credentials, but I can't get anyone else to log on. The following message is...
  8. D

    Windows 7 Error joining Windows 7 RC Build 7100 to Win 2k3 domain

    Hi all, Has anyone installed Windows 7 RC 64 bit version, and having problem in joining to the domain win2k3? Could someone share some light on the following problems: I've entered my domain name (9 characters long) from the Computer Name/Domain Changes window. Passed through the...
  9. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 dropped off of my domain

    Hello everyone. I have Windows 7 RC1 (Build 7100) installed on my office computrer for testing against our current infratrcture so we have a good idea on how it will react when its finally released for sale. Now its been running fine, except for a printer issue which im not to fussed about...