
  1. whoosh

    ART Indicating A Turn

  2. whoosh

    ART Turn Left

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Putin's Supporters are Turning on Him

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO My name is Giovanni Giorgio but... Just another turn

    Keeping right on :p
  5. whoosh

    POLITICS Giuliani Preparing to TURN on Trump, Hires THREE Lawyers!

    🇺🇸 :zoned:
  6. whoosh

    NEWS Trump BOOT-LICKERS Mueller SMEAR Campaign Just Took an UGLY Turn

  7. LegoManIAm94

    Windows 8 Run Any Application In Administrator Mode On Windows Startup

    When you tried to have the Windows Startup box checked off in your Application and run it as an administrator it probably won't work. I do have a solution to this issue. Go to the link I have at the bottom of this post and from there go to the Auto Launcher folder. There you will find the...
  8. cybercore

    IMAGES Guess the Game from the Screenshot

    Post a picture from a random game with clues as you see appropriate and see if people can guess which game it's from. The one with the right guess posts his screenshot next. A few rules : * if no luck after a while, give another hint or bump this thread and post a new screenshot, or give the...
  9. whoosh

    You Turn your back for a second !

    framed :)