
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Twitter, Facebook Execs To Testify Before Congress | Morning Joe | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump Fires White House Lawyer Over Twitter" on YouTube

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  3. Nomad of Norad

    Windows 10 URL:Twitter links now all go to Twitter desktop app instead of to my web-browser.

    I've run into a really, really annoying problem. There are a handful of Twitter desktop apps I installed ages ago because Twitter borked the web-interface at one point... I was never satisfied with any of the apps, and Twitter fixed what they'd broken in the Web interface, so I eventually went...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "President Donald Trump’s Twitter Distraction Amid Scandals | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

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  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Kellyanne Conway Gets Duped By Twitter Parody Account Of Mike Pence" on YouTube

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  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Michael Cohen drops Trump attorney label on Twitter" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji777] [emoji12] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Donald Trump says Harley Davidson will be ‘taxed like never before’ in Twitter tirade" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji605] [emoji383] [emoji383] [emoji779] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Is DESTROYING Donald Trump On Twitter" on YouTube

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  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Trump’s Twitter Feed Damages America, Majority Of Voters Say" on YouTube

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  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Snowflake Trump Threatens Press Credentials In Twitter Tantrum" on YouTube

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  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Kellyanne Conway Gets Slammed On Twitter For Eric Schneiderman Hypocrisy" on YouTube

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  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Twitter tells users to consider changing passwords after bug" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji45] Sent from my D6603 using Windows Forums mobile app
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Lindsay Lohan takes to Twitter to troll Trump

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Marco Rubio Suffers Twitter Meltdown Because Teenagers Aren’t Buying His Lies

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Rep. Ted Lieu: President Trump Tweets After Mueller Indictment Show "Consciousness Of Guilt" | MSNBC

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Bullies Adam Schiff On Twitter As Nunes’ Memo Flops

  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Paul Ryan Proves He Can Be Just As Dumb As Trump On Twitter

  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Twitter mocks President Trump's shutdown photo

  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Frantically Tweets How Stable He Is

  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Twitter Unloads On Donald Trump Jr. For Hypocritically Mocking Al Franken
