
  1. D

    Windows 7 Event 3, Kernel-Event Tracing Error -- Session UBPM stopped

    Win 7, Home Premium, 64 Every time I reboot my machine I get an Event 3, Kernel-Event Tracing Error: "Session "UBPM" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000022" and a companion "Session "Eventlog-Security" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000022". All that I have found out is that...
  2. monotoli

    Windows 7 Critical Error When Using EFS

    I'm using EFS to encrypt a few directories on my machine where I keep Java source code. Since I've starting using EFS I've noticed my Windows 7 has a tendency to pop the 'Encountered a problem and needs to restart' dialog and force me to restart in 30 sec. Here's the error entry from the...