ui behavior

  1. Windows 10 Renaming folder Windows 10 and after

    I just thought I would complain about how the file folder updates in the middle of typing in a current file folder to add, remove, change the name and as a result it highlights the entire name in the middle of you typing and already having started editing it and then because it highlights the...
  2. C

    Windows 10 Navigating Between Apps / Windows Behavior Changed - Due to Updates?

    About 2-3 months ago all of the sudden my Windows 10 started behaving very differently and I'm not sure if it is something that Microsoft forced on me after an update or I inadvertently changed something. Basically the way you switch between applications changed in that I can no longer just...
  3. Windows Vista How to detect when Minimize Animation Completes in Vista

    Hey Folks, Here is the challenge I am having with Vista and would really appreciate any help from anybody that might now how to work around this. 1. I have an application running of my own creation 2. I progrmatically minimize it 3. Once minized I want to take a snapshot of the screen The...
  4. B

    Windows Vista Attaching Photos to Windows Mail

    When I attach a photo to a Windows Mail file, how can I get the Views selection to stay Large Icons and not switch back to small text every time I attach another photo. I would like for the Views selection to remember the previous setting.