unique design

  1. 7ft-wide home for sale - but it will cost you £95,000

    A Suffolk home that is only 7ft wide (2m) and boasts an upside-down design has gone up for sale - for the grand total of £95,000. The tiny Victorian property in Framlingham, Suffolk, has the kitchen on the first floor and the bedroom underneath – and once formed part of a steam mill...
  2. ☮ Horse shoes for humans ☮

    Shoes made in the style of real horses' feet and legs and complete with genuine horse hair are to go on sale at the Cheltenham Festival. The knee and ankle-length zip-up hoof shoes were commissioned by betting company Betfair to celebrate 100 years of the festival, which starts tomorrow...
  3. Windows 7 Lian Li outs the most exotic PC case ever

    Lian Li outs the most exotic PC case ever Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Written by Link Removed due to 404 Error Wednesday, 10 March 2010 12:20 Cebit 2010: Spider like Lian Li's PC-T1R chassis is really unique in its design and its form. It looks like a big...