update packs

  1. J

    Windows 7 Cumulative Updates

    Anybody wonder if this is going to cause a lot of problems for Windows 7 and 8 users? Windows 10 has caused a lot of problems. I like to choose what I install. I think I'll wait a bit before updating and see how big a mess MS makes. It may be safer not to update if you are careful where you go...
  2. Windows 7 Switchless Installer Addons for your Unattended Needs

    If you enjoy creating unattended Windows 7/8, XP installations using nLite and vLite etc then you'll find the latest nLite/vLite compatible Switchless Installer Freeware Addons and Update Packs over in the RyanVM.net Forum Link Removed. A perfect match to your Windows 7 Forums interests.
  3. L

    Windows Vista Vista Update Downloader 1.8.1 Alpha

    Vista Update Downloader Alpha is a FREE program which downloads updates directly from Microsoft. All files are very useful with vLite! Link Removed - Invalid URL - Phase 2 is direct integration MSU Files Language Packs Update Packs! Office Updates Ultimate Extras (Tinker, Dreamscene...