In an intriguing turn of events, Microsoft has been embroiled in a subtle yet significant update strategy that aims to nudge users towards upgrading to Windows 11. Unveiled on November 12, 2024, this tactic comes under the umbrella of KB5001716, a recent Windows Update stealthily distributed to...
Just when you thought it was safe to ignore those pesky Windows Update notifications, Microsoft has swooped in with Patch KB5001716, a covertly deployed update that has Windows 10 and even older Windows 11 users looking over their shoulder. The implications are substantial, with many users...
If you've ever been jolted awake by your Windows 11 machine politely insisting that you upgrade to the very OS you already have, you're not alone. Many users have reported receiving bizarre prompts to upgrade to Windows 11, despite the fact that they’ve successfully transitioned from Windows 10...
In a notable shift in strategy, Microsoft has decided to dial back its aggressive push for users to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. This change comes after significant backlash from Windows 10 users who found the constant pop-up notifications urging them to upgrade not only intrusive but...
My wife's new Dell computer came with Avast Antivirus installed. Avast is practically a virus itself.
It keeps popping up windows that want you to upgrade to pay service etc. It's a real pain.
It has no uninstall function if you try to uninstall it in the normal way it just gives you the...
avast antivirus
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