upgrade tips

  1. 5 Effective Strategies to Extend Your Windows 10 PC's Lifespan

    --- Unfortunately, Windows 10 is on borrowed time as the clock ticks down to its support ending in 2025. With an estimated 240 million PCs unable to upgrade to Windows 11, many users are left grappling with what to do next. Tossing out these devices isn’t the only option on the table—there are...
  2. Optimize Your Windows 11 Upgrade: 6 Essential Tips for Success

    Windows 11 has been a topic of heated debate since its release, primarily due to its increased system requirements and the significant changes it brings to the operating system users are accustomed to. Despite the criticisms and user hesitations, it's important to recognize that Windows 11 also...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Win 7 Install Issue (multiple hard drives)

    I have now built 3 machines using Win7 and I noticed an interesting problem: When installing on a machine that has more than one blank hard drive Win 7 seems to write some critical boot files to the second hard drive. I noticed that later if there are any issues with the second hard drive or it...