upload problems

  1. J

    Windows 7 Can No Longer Upload Large Files

    I usually send clients large images around 4Mb via the email. I also upload to various sites, files up to 15Mb. They are all usually jpeg or .psd format. For some reason it just doesn't work anymore - they get so far and seem to just hang. I contacted my ISP provider and they went through all...
  2. PenrynHD

    Windows 7 Problem with uploading to webhostings like megaupload etc...

    Hi all, I've got problem on my Windows 7 Home Premium x86. I can't upload files to webhostings like megaupload.com etc. I get communicat undefinied. Upload is very fast and after this file not uplaoded. There is many webhostings where I can't upload files. I can upload files on speedyshare...