user activity

  1. H

    Windows 10 What fields are common between IDs 4660 and 4663?

    Hello, I want to know which file or folder was deleted by whom. The problem is that there is no file or folder name in ID 4660 and I need to extract the file or folder name from ID 4663, but how do I link these together? How do I know which ID 4660 is related to which ID 4663? What field is...
  2. X

    Help understanding Windows Server CALs

    Hello gentlemen/ladies, I come to you seeking help with a windows server problem. I recently started helping a small company with their IT equipment and there is a problem I am facing right now. They have bought an ERP software which is a client-server solution, running on top of Microsoft SQL...
  3. Windows 10 Screen Saver getting killed when display is turned off due to powersave timeout.

    I have a frontend application always running and receiving windows messages. When screen saver timeout is less than powersave timeout, my screen saver is getting killed and my frontend application is not receiving WM_POWERBROADCAST message when the displaying is going for sleep. Also due to...
  4. Project Rome: Driving user engagement across devices, apps and platforms

    Overview Recently there has been a dramatic shift in the way users use their devices. Rather than substituting new devices, users are using additional form factors like phones and tablets, alongside their PCs; many consumers live in a heterogeneous environment (interact with multiple...
  5. P

    Windows 2003 R2 - Tracking user dumping files

    Do you guys know how I can track a user that dumps large files on my file server? I have this old 2003 r2 server that we use as files server. Each and everyday a person puts gb's and gb's of files. I have 350 users with tons of folders. I am trying to track this person down. Please help if...
  6. M

    Windows 8 start screen record when receiving remote desktop connection

    Hi there, is there a easy way or software that can start screen recording on win 7/8 when PC receives remote desktop connection, e.g. I want to record what someone else is doing on my PC via remote desktop connection? Thanks
  7. S

    Windows 7 BSOD after sleep mode

    Hello all This is my first post in here. Please bear over with my English – it is not my native language. My problem is on a Media Centre machine where I recently upgraded Motherboard and processor. I have the following setup on the machine: MB: Asus P8H77-MLE CPU: Intel i3 2120 2x2 GB...
  8. H

    Windows 7 Win7 Security - deleting all activity traces

    Hi guys, For personal security reasons (two words: online poker,) I have embarked on a mission to make sure that there is 100% (or close to it..) certainty that no one can check or find out what applications were used and accessed on my computer. What kind of help I need from you guys...
  9. R

    Last Visits

    There doesn't seem to be anywhere to post this query, except here, so it will probably get buried before answered! Why is it, in the members list, there are so many, even regular posters, who are listed as last visit in 1970??