user creation

  1. D

    Windows 10 Automatic PC setup script via .exe on USB

    Hello, I work as the sole member of the IT department of a small business. I spend much time replacing dead storage drives or setting up new workstations. I was wondering if there was a way I could write a script that I could put on a USB drive that I could plug into a PC with a fresh...
  2. C

    Windows 7 Multiple Users Problem

    Hi. I've just registered to this forum because I've issued a problem on my Windows 7 computer. Well, this is what happened. I was making a new user on my computer for one of my family members. I had three users already made, and active. So this was the fourth one. When I made it, and logged into...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Cannot be installed !!!!

    Hello and good evening Recently i bought windows 7 to install instead the xp im using now, the problem is after partitioning and installing, the moment when windows wants to start for the 1st time, it gets stuck in the black screen after loading windows remains and the only thing that can be...