user login

  1. D

    Windows 7 Removing User Login Screen

    I recently installed Windows 7 home premium. Since the installation, when the computer sets idle for any length of time, the screen goes to user logon. I have tried everthing to remove this, but no luck. I tried unchecking the logon on resume box in personalization but it won't let me uncheck...
  2. J

    Windows 7 windows 7 Login Screen Frozen.

    I was currently using the demo version of Windows 7 before I went to the launch and got the Licenced version of Windows 7. Before I could install it this problem occured. Apon start up when prompt for User Login Everything is frozen. My Keyboard, Mouse and also External Mouse does not work...
  3. H

    Windows 7 Drive Mappings

    Hi, i work in the IT Department and I have just installed Windows 7 on a laptop, this has laptop has then been put on the domain and been setup accordingly I have a Group Policy where a VBS Script is run to map network drive depending on group Memberships this was working when i had XP...
  4. Randy

    Windows 7 Game Profiles

    Are individual game profiles still possible? In the Vista games menu you could right click a game and edit the launch profile. This would allow the game to have several launch configurations in just the one icon. For example for Guild Wars you could add the -image switch to the end of one...
  5. S

    VIDEO Vista Security/Sanctity Challenged & compromised,This issue is hamppering whole Vista

    The article at Link Removed - Invalid URL (you can find the video link in the article)challenges the sanctity of whole Vista Operating System. The author is doing some nail bitting tasks like: (1) logs-in a User through Run As Administrator option. (2) forces a User to have Dual Identity. (3)...