
  1. P

    Windows 10 Name problem

    I entered the following path in my environmental variable: C:\Users\KUNDAN JI\AppData\Local\Programs\Thonny; But it is not recognizing. Is it because of the gap in KUNDAN JI. How to solve the problem?
  2. M

    Windows 10 CMD.EXE - How to fix command output into variable

    Hi! I tried to send command output to variable. I'm using is in Windows 10.1903 x64 I used syntax: SET /P variable= | command I used batch by context menu to get word, characters and lines count in text file using old WC tool (it's great). First I used only copying output into clipboard by...
  3. Windows 10 Win 10 ram with variable speed ?

    HI 1Questions wonders: that is, the question is why when Windows 10 Task Manager when you look at the RAM memory speeds so far it will appear 1200Mhz even though the memory speed is 2400Mhz. However, in bios, everything is displayed correctly, in terms of volume and speed. Memory is 8Gt DDR4...
  4. Update is available that prevents the PSModulePath environment variable from being reset when...

    Continue reading...
  5. P

    Windows 7 Cannot set PATH environment variable

    Hello An application I installed is not working and the product support dept for the application said the reason is that the path environment variable is not set correctly. In System/Advanced/System Settings/Envinonment Variables/Path is shows the following: C:\Program Files\Common...
  6. A

    Windows 7 Accidentally Deleted CLASSPATH system variable for 32bit

    can someone please help me
  7. I

    Windows 7 Schtasks - Import XML

    I am making a program. I want to import XML file to schtasks.exe, I have to set the path of the program. Here's the part of XML code : <Exec> <Command>"C:\MyPath\program.exe"</Command> <Arguments>/copy</Arguments> </Exec> In my opinion, I have to set the path as variable, so...
  8. Windows 7 Setting Path Environment Variable Does Not Work

    I can add to the System Variable “Pathâ€Â￾, however it does not seem to have any effect on the command line. I have added “C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\binâ€Â￾ to the system variables however running I still get the following error: ‘java’ is not...