
  1. BobDobalina

    Windows XP Videos in fullscreen getting dark (backlight) in dark scenes

    Hello, once again I have a question. This time it is about my computer in my sleeproom, that I use often for watchign series oder movies when in bed. This computer is running Windows XP and has a weird phenomena: While I watch movies/series/videos in a browser (fullscreen) and the scenes are...
  2. MrCosta

    Windows 10 Videos not loading properly

    On Chrome, Youtube videos load properly, I have no problem whatsoever but on Edge, the video doesnt load, only the sound. On Facebook, videos don't load at all, either on Edge or Chrome. I don't know what to do, all of my drivers are updated!
  3. A

    VIDEO Windows keeps flickering

    When i play minecraft or any game, my Screen will flicker and show my wallpaper and the icon in the taskbar would start moving making playing games annoying to play and cause some frame lag. This sometimes happenes with chrome and windows explorer. I have all graphics drivers up to date (Intel...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO the toy dolls - dueling banjos

  5. News

    Meet Microsoft Hyperlapse

    Link Removed, a new set of products that create smooth, stabilized time lapses from first-person videos. Microsoft’s hyperlapse technology is built on more than Link Removed. For consumers, Link Removed turns any long video – from a bumpy bicycle ride to a family stroll in the park – into a...
  6. News

    Last Week on Channel 9: May 4th - May 10th, 2015

    Conference season has finally caught up to our Channel 9 producers I think. Here are a select 13 videos from last week. Need more? Well remember you can view Ignite ( and Build (Link Removed) on-demand now too... :) Link Removed Joe Stegman, Group...
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Arnold Acts Out His Films In 6 Minutes

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Prince Rupert's Drops Are Stronger Than Steel

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO The Minions - All in One Videos - Part 1

  10. T

    Windows 8 System videos and music folders screwed

    By accident I have screwed up a pair of user system folders. In moving their locations from the system drive to a second drive, I carelessly managed to point the system 'Videos' folder location and the system 'Music' folder location at the same folder. The two system folders are now totally...
  11. uniqueguy35Egypt

    Windows 7 OK! A weird issue with recordig videos!

    I have a windows7 Ultimate SP1 as just have these issues which is so weird. I can't record videos right. I tried to use these settings to work it out. I can't record audio as no matter what i do i can't record audio through my machine. I attached pics of the program that i use i recording videos...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Crazy Russian Drivers - Car Crashes JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014

    :eek: :shocked: :razz:
  13. D

    Windows 8 Laptop won't reboot after removing upper filters and lower filters

    Hello everyone, I really need your help. My Sony Vaio laptop (model: SVE151G13M) did not recognize my dvd/cd-rom anymore and dumb as I am, I tried to fix this myself. On the website of Microsoft I read a step-by-step guide on how to remove the upper filters and lower filters to fix this...
  14. whoosh

    VIDEO The Last Shadow Puppets - Memories Electric Proms 2008

    :cool::razz::up: Contains adult words and subject matter :peace:
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Top 10 Reasons Bruce Lee May Have Been Superhuman

    :eek: :up:
  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Mystery Mars haze baffles scientists

  17. whoosh

    VIDEO 15 Scariest Jobs Ever

    :eek: :hide:
  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Gangnam Style Meets Metal

    :up: :cool: :peace:
  19. trog69

    Windows 7 1440p videos shut off at the 10sec. mark every time.

    I asked this about 6 months ago and got no responses, but perhaps with the prices going falling on high-resolution monitors, someone has found a solution to this minor issue. What happens is that when I click the full screen mode for a YouTube video that has up to 4k resolution available, it...
  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Military archery and speed shooting videos - a little rant
