viewing options

  1. U

    Windows 10 Viewing Details Plane and Preview Plane simultaneously

    Is there a way of viewing Details Plane and Preview Plane simultaneously in Windows 10 like it is possible in Windows 7? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. J

    Windows 7 Why do my thumbnails for my video files show up as separate PNG files?

    I didn't used to have this problem before. For some unknown reason, all my video files have a separate PNG file next to it with a picture of the thumbnail. I don't remember changing any viewing options that may have triggered this. Anybody know how to fix this?
  3. Windows 7 Windows &/Mail/Crash/Cant Delete Facebook Notifications

    I Have windows 7 , service Pack 1, Dell XPS Intell Core i7 A month ago , I started seeing Live Mail Cashes that only seem to be happening with Facebook Notifications. I Simply cannot Open Anything Facebook without a Full Major Crash. I click on the E mail and The System freezes, Then I Must...