I am not a techie at all and wanted to see if someone could look at the results of my chkdsk and let me know if there are problems? I had some bad clusters and something called read failures. I'd really appreciate any help or light someone could shed on this. I have read up on this in...
bad clusters
bad sectors
cache issues
computer maintenance
data recovery
disk check
disk space
error correction
file indexing
file system
file verification
read failures
security descriptors
system files
user data
windows update
I've always been getting blue screens, but they're starting to become more and more frequent. I haven't been able to use my laptop for more than a day without one showing up! The stop codes I've been getting are 0x0000000A and 0x0000001E. I tried running a chkdsk and it told me it would during...
blue screen
data files
disk issues
disk space
error messages
file system
file verification
security descriptors
stop codes
system processes
system recovery
usn journal
volumebitmapvolume snapshot
windows repair
I just finished running chkdsk with switches /f and /r on an external drive because Windows backup/restore couldn't use it to store a system image and recommended that I run it.
It took a couple of hours and then the program exited with the message 'Insufficient diskspace to fix volume...