
  1. F

    Windows 10 Wake-On-Lan does not work

    Hi there I'm having trouble getting the Wake-On-Lan to work. Here is what I did so far: - I activated Wake-On-Lan in UEFI (there is only one option for this in my UEFI) - On my network adapter (Device Manager/Network adapters/Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller/Properties) on the tab "Advanced"...
  2. U

    Windows 10 Robocopy kopiert bei /XD nur das angegebene Hauptverzeichnis

    Hallo Gemeinde! Beim Backup mit Robocopy mit der Befehlszeile net use x: \\backup-pc\d\xxxx /user:admin xxxx robocopy c: x:\c /R:1 /w:1 /Mir /xj /XD "c:\Windows" "c:\$Recycle.bin" wird nur das Hauptverzeichnis "Windows" ausgeschlossen. Die Unterverzeichnisse werden jedoch kopiert. Alle weiteren...
  3. News

    Wake-on-LAN behavior in Windows 8

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  4. News

    Wake-on-LAN behavior in Windows 8

    The Wake-On-LAN (WOL) feature wakes a computer from a low power state when a network adapter detects a WOL event (typically this is a specially constructed Ethernet packet). The default behavior in response to WOL events has changed from Windows 7 to... Link Removed