
  1. whoosh

    Radiated Vegetables ? Dont worry just wash them !

    Expert Answer: According to former University of Tokushima professor Jun Sekizawa, much of the radioactive material found on spinach can be eliminated by washing and boiling it. As for milk, Sekizawa says, “drinking even the most contaminated [1,500 becquerels] several times is still less than...
  2. H

    Mini Clothes Heat Dryer?

    I've searched for this everywhere on Google. I've only managed to stumble upon two products that were mini spin dryers only (produced no heat :() but I have a washer that pretty much leaves the clothes slightly damp at the end (this is all the mini spin dryers that I found could do) so what's...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO clever cat washing hands

  4. whoosh

    "Fundies" Save on washing .

    Good tip to save on powder . Environmentally friendly ;)