
  1. ART Recharging Shoes

  2. VIDEO Watch "This Wearable Allows You To Control Machines With Your Mind | CNBC" on YouTube

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  3. Powering the industry 4.0 revolution in manufacturing with Windows 10 and Microsoft Cloud

    Since the beginning of the industrial age, manufacturers have been updating and improving the products we use every day. As those product lifecycles get shorter, manufacturers rely on companies like Microsoft to keep pace. That’s why Microsoft is focused on providing the technology solutions and...
  4. Use Your Microsoft Band to Unlock Your PC

    An upcoming update to Windows 10 will allow Microsoft Band owners to login to their PCs using only the wearable. read more Continue reading...
  5. PSA: Microsoft Band 2 Battery Issue Reports Starting to Mount

    In many ways, Microsoft Band 2's quality is much improved over v1. But, one issue, at least, does exist. read more Continue reading...
  6. Microsoft Band Gets Strava Integration

    Microsoft has begun its push to bring new integration to its Microsoft Health ecosystem. read more Continue reading...
  7. The Potential of the Microsoft Band

    With my Band on my wrist I was finally able to do something with it I have been wanting to do since I got it – use it to pay for Starbucks. read more Continue reading...
  8. Now, a 'bum bra' for your sagging buttocks

    A leading US psychologist has patented a bra for the bum, which according to her, restores pertness to sagging buttocks Creator Karin Hart claims that the garment, featuring straps worn around the waist and under the buttocks, instantly shapes and adds tone to the rear. Hart said that she...