
  1. M

    Windows 7 Korean language pack causes problems with Outlook email width

    This has been an ongoing problem for me for some time now and I'm hoping someone can provide a resolution to it. I had to install a Korean language pack in order to read Korean Word documents. The problem is that after installing this language pack, it causes some of my emails to appear a lot...
  2. A silly question.....

    Why does a computer monitor, or a TV screen is measured diagonally ? If we say, "measure the length of this table", or "measure the width of the window", we don't measure diagonally. Right ? So, why monitor or TV screen measured that way?
  3. N

    Windows 7 Taskbar issue

    I can't change the width of my taskbar. I have unlocked it and tried to resize it, it would only allow me to adjust the height. I have highlighted the problem in the attachment. I don't know if Firefox is causing it, but just in case, I have Firefox 3.6.21.
  4. Windows 7 What makes a vertical taskbar become narrow?

    I keep my taskbar on the right side of my screen, usually with auto-hide on, and I've noticed that after a while (maybe a day or two?) the taskbar becomes narrow. I really like it narrow like this. It's just barely wide enough to show the time, not wide enough to show the date, and the orb is...