windows animation

  1. T

    Windows 7 Visual Effects setting doesn't save

    The problem came out of nowhere, I noticed my computer didn't animate when minimizing, opening, or closing a window. The "animate windows when minimizing and maximizing" option is enabled. When I restart my computer, it will still show that it is enabled when I bring up that window but it won't...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Accidentally removed boot screen

    I tried to use StarDock's Bootskin Vista, but it removed the default windows loading animation and failed to replace it with the new one. It then failed to restore the default. I uninstalled it with no luck - the files have been changed. I then tried running various restore programs found...
  3. Windows 7 RC startup hang issue getting progressively worse...

    For the rest of the story (and the intro), see: Link Removed and its linked topic... I thought the title wasn't appropriate to the content so I'm starting yet another topic on the matter. So, today my laptop has entered a new realm of instability. The "infection" (NOT literal... figurative) is...