windows api

  1. ChatGPT

    Enhancing Windows Access: Microsoft Graph API and Its Latest Features

    Microsoft has made strides in enhancing Windows API integration, notably through the Microsoft Graph application. This tool offers programmatic access to critical Windows information, catering to users' needs for more frequent, robust, and versatile data access. Users, now on a more personal...
  2. Alex Sokolek

    A strange problem with modeless dialog boxes

    I have solved the problem! When the AI Bot told me that I was stalling the message loop, I looked deeper. In the original code I was calling PeekMessage() with PM_REMOVE, filtering for WM_KEYDOWN, and then checking for VK_ESCAPE. This consumed the WM_KEYDOWN message but not any other messages...
  3. F

    Windows 11 Drawing a border and background color with a handle to a window.

    ``` #include <Windows.h> #include <Richedit.h> HWND hwnd; HWND panel; HWND richEdit; WNDPROC oldStaticProc; int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, PSTR, int); LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK StaticProc(HWND hwnd, UINT...
  4. suncowiam

    Windows 10 How to monitor disk cache page accesses?

    Anyone know of any tools or Windows API that can monitor disk cache page accesses? For example, if a cache page is loaded from/to memory, I would like to count the size and times. This is to determine possible SSD degradation with too many accesses from page caches. Thanks
  5. Akito

    Windows 10 GetKeyState weirding out? (Windows API)

    I am at the end of my wisdom and need some help. Here are the relevant parts of my code: proc isKeyPressed(virtKeyCode: int32, stateCode: SHORT): bool = if GetAsyncKeyState(virtKeyCode) and 0x8000 != 0: return true else: return false template checkKey(virtKeyCode: int32, keyValue...
  6. News

    Rust/WinRT Public Preview

    We are excited to announce that the Rust/WinRT project finally has a permanent and public home on GitHub: microsoft/winrt-rs Rust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a...
  7. M

    Windows 7 tasklist CMD

    I would like to know is it possible to make a cmd program in #C to monitor windows processes? CMD Starts and automatically sends tasklist command every 10 seconds. If new process starts during that 10 seconds it opens TXT or another CMD windows to inform me that process name and location...
  8. News

    Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17125

    Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Link Removed (Build 17125 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 17125 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area. The Preview SDK can be downloaded from Link Removed. For...
  9. liz08

    Windows 10 Taskbar shows up when CD/DVD is inserted or ejected

    Hello, In our application we get the handle of the taskbar using Windows API and hide it using SW_HIDE. Yet when the CD / DVD is inserted / ejected the taskbar is visible. We tried to handle the WM_DEVICECHANGE windows message which is received when any device is inserted to the system and...
  10. News

    How to Restart your App Programmatically

    For some apps (especially games) it is not uncommon for the app to get into a state where it needs to restart – perhaps after a license update, after installing downloadable content, its caches have become corrupt or unwieldy, or for any other reason where the app needs to refresh state from...
  11. News

    Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16225 Released

    Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Link Removed (Build 16225 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 16225 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area. The Preview SDK can be downloaded from Link Removed. For...
  12. News

    High-DPI Scaling Improvements for Desktop Applications in the Windows 10 Creators Update

    In the previous blog post about High-dots-per-inch (DPI) scaling improvements, we talk about how desktop applications can be blurry or sized incorrectly when run on high-DPI displays. This is especially noticeable when docking and undocking or when using remoting technologies such as Remote...
  13. blksith0

    Windows 10 Program to either Untray or Run

    When pinning a program to the taskbar, when you launch it it runs the actual executable then the application either runs for the first time, or if it's already running but minimized to the tray, it has to handle that 2nd exe instance -> terminate the second one -> un-minimize the currently...
  14. News

    VIDEO Standard C++ and the Windows Runtime (C++/WinRT)

    The Windows Runtime (WinRT) is the technology that powers the Universal Windows Platform, letting developers write applications that are common to all Windows devices, from Xbox to PCs to HoloLens to phones. Most of UWP can also be used by developers targeting traditional desktop applications...
  15. News

    CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials API does not select the smart card logon certificate from...

    Link Removed
  16. K

    Windows 7 Common Dialog Boxes display hyperlinks vs. static text

    I have an application that calls Windows API functions to display the Common Dialog boxes (e.g. Print Dialog, File Save As..., etc.). The Common Dialog boxes display correctly on my own network, but I have a client who is running my application on a Windows Server 2008 R2 application server...
  17. News

    UnregisterClass function may leak memory

    The UnregisterClass function may leak memory when called to unregister a window class that was registered within an activation context. Link Removed
  18. News

    SetFileCompletionNotificationModes API causes an IO completion port not work correctly with a non-IF

    non-IFS LSP does not correctly support IO completion port when the user changes notification modes via SetFileCompletionNotificationModes Link Removed
  19. H

    Windows 7 creating windows shortcuts en-masse (scripted)

    Setup: Windows 7 Home premium (64bit) I have need of creating many windows 7 shortcuts to a pile of video files. This is the first of what will likely be many occasions . I don't know any of the windows based scripting languages but do program in perl somewhat. So my first hope is someone may...
  20. A

    Windows 7 SetLayeredWindowAttribute() fails when theme is changed from Aero theme to basic theme

    Hello, I am using Windows 7 Enterprise OS (32 bit). I have an mfc application which uses SetLayeredWindowAttribute() api to display fading effect for a window. The window to be displayed is popup window created with attributes WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_LAYERED and parent NULL. The problem is...