windows diagnostics

  1. Windows 7 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT ntoskrnl.exe

    Ok, I dont usually complain about windows, but I have been having issues with BSODs. Now I have formatted, ran memtest, windows memory diagnostics, and numerous other things. But all of the test came back good. I did a chkdisk /f and scan disk, All good. I dont get it before I formatted the BSOD...
  2. D

    Windows 7 BSOD's on new home build w/ full description

    I have just built a new computer. And am getting BSODs. Here's my notes on them: Errors Codes are as follows: (I didn't write the codes down the first 2 times) 3rd BSOD (3/22/11): *** STOP: 0x0000007F (0x0000000000000008, 0x0000000080050031, 0x00000000000006F8, 0xFFFFF80003888F72) 4th BSOD...
  3. T

    Windows 7 'Unidentified network - no internet access' issue

    [EDIT: This issue is solved.] I got this problem this morning and have been working on it for a few hours. I did a lot of Googling to see what might be causing it; nothing seems to be working. It's ethernet, not wireless, and I've had 0 network problems for the half a year since I got the...