word pad

  1. L

    Windows 7 Default program problem

    Suddenly DOCX attachments only open in Word pad. The simple solution seemed to be go to Default programs in the start menu and change the default from World pad to Word. First problem: In the first option " Set your default programs" a list of programs appears to opt from. Word and the other...
  2. J

    Windows 7 When closing some programs the window do not disappear

    I have 4 PCs running W7 Home Premium 32 bit all with the same annoying problem. Very often when I close Windows Live Mail 2011, Microsoft Security Essentials or Word Pad the corresponding process is killed but the window will not disappear before I click the Desktop Ikon. It only happens with...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Reading email

    OS = Windows 7 Home 64 bit When I try to open an email in Windows Explorer it opens with "Word Pad." not in "Windows Live Mail" mode I know how to change how a file opens and wish to open an ".eml" file so that it looks just like when I read a email in windows live mail. I don't know the and...
  4. B

    Windows 7 The Icon For Word Is Messed Up

    When I see a .doc file in windows explorer I see it like this: Link Removed due to 404 Error When it should look like this: Link Removed due to 404 Error I originally had .doc files opened in word pad before I installed Office. It's a small detail but I find things like this very annoying. I...