word processor

  1. G

    Pimnote is a new text editor handy for note taking

    Note taking with text editors is the best way I've ever used. The real note taking software keep files locally which is risky for data loss when the operating fails or when the notebook is stolen. Word processors are too clunky and risky of data loss when crashed. Mozilla Composer is the fast...
  2. T

    Windows 7 Word processor

    How can I type a letter in a colour other than Black? I have tried formatting a different colour, but the text always returns to Black.. Any help will be most welcome.
  3. L

    Windows 10 Online word processor that looks like code

    Ok, strange question. Is there an online word processor that when i type, it looks like random code, but if i hit convert, it will display what i was actually typing? I know it sounds strange but might come in handy Sent from my SM-S920L using Tapatalk
  4. T

    Windows 7 How to Download Microsoft Works Word Processor for Windows 7

    I had Microsoftworks Word processor + with Vista, Where can I get the Free download with W7? Thanks
  5. A

    Windows 7 Windows update

    Windows update tells me there is a "critical update" available. When I check for updates, I see it is an update for MSWorks 9. I don't have Works 9, I have Works 8 and don't want to spend a few bucks to upgrade to 9. When this update installs, it disables Works 8, I get a message that file...
  6. C

    Windows Vista Works Word Processor Crashes

    When I previously used Windows XP Home Edition, I could copy text from Internet articles and Email correspondence and paste it in my Works Word Processor files. I now have Windows Vista Home Premium. Whenever I attempt to copy from Internet sources, paste it in a Works Word Processor file...