write access

  1. X

    Windows 8 Does Windows 8 allow writing to unclean exFAT file systems?

    An "unclean file system" or "unclean volume" occurs when a data storage device (e.g. USB stick) is disconnected without being safely unmounted. At the next connection, Windows asks the user to "repair" the volume, meaning running CHKDSK. From experience, I know that Windows 7 does not allow...
  2. E

    Windows 7 Setting Permissions on a DropBox (_not_ the website)

    I am trying to set permissions on a folder to serve as a drop box on a network volume so that I retain full control and the <everyone> group can add files and read the contents, but cannot change anything once uyploaded to the folder. Or, listed a different way: administrator -- full control...
  3. T

    Windows 7 group policy not applying

    hello everyone, I have a windows 7(SP1) peer-peer netwrk at my work place. In order to block usb write access for users i have created three accounts superAdmin : Administrator account with no restrictions localAdmin : Administrator account with removeable disk deny write access policy enabled...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Bitlocker denying write access to usb thumb drive

    I have Windows 7 installed and up until recently I could read and write files from my hard disk to my usb thumb drive. Now after some updates were downloaded and applied (automatically so I am not sure what was installed), when I insert my drive into the usb slot, the Bitlocker Drive Encryption...
  5. The BranchCache feature does not work for shared files that are opened with write access permission

    Fixes an issue in which the BranchCache feature does not work for shared files that are opened with write access permission. This issue occurs in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2. More...
  6. U

    Windows 7 Write/Read acess for programms problem

    Hello , I am an Windows 7 Ultimate x64 user and I am using several programms that are experiencing this error with win 7 ( On my laptop where i have Win Xp sp3 this does not occour ) I would like to ask what is causing that even when i am logged in as admin and i even run the programm as admin...
  7. Windows 7 Raid is readable, but can not write to it in Windows 7

    I have Win7 installed as dual boot on my home PC now and I have 1 problem. I have a Gigabyte GA-X48T-DQ6 mobo and on it a 2TB raid. The raid shows up fine in Win7 and I can browse the file system etc, but, I can not write to it at all. Any thoughts?