
  1. Forum on XF 2.2 Beta

    Hi all, XenForo 2.2 Beta is up.. Let me know if you notice any FORUM bugs. Thank you.
  2. WindowsForum.com updated to XenForo 2.0

    Great news! We have recently moved to XenForo 2.0. A long awaited release, this should provide our visitors with easier usability. However, we are still adjusting this website to compensate, so please give time! Thank you.
  3. November 2013 Website Changes and Updates

    Greetings! A new list of internal changes is now available for November 2013. Most of these changes are "under the hood" internal upgrades. PHP updated to 5.4.21 Core: Fixed bug #65322 (compile time errors won't trigger auto loading). CLI server: Fixed bug #65633 (built-in server treat some...