Windows 7 0xc000000f Device is inaccessible


New Member
May 10, 2009
HELP! My laptop battery died so went into hibernation automatically and tuned off. I turn it back on and all I get is a black screen saying:

Windows Boot Manager
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software chance miht be the cause. To fix the problem:
1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings and click "Next."
3. Click "repair your computer."#

Status: 0xc000000f

Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

Okay I tried the steps but my laptop isn't picking up the disc. Its a samsung r60+ laptop running windows 7 7048? I think

Please help, I have no idea what to do, its not picking up the disc, I cant boot it up!

Thanks, Chris

Okay, I pressed Ctrl + Alt + Esc and it came up with boot form dvd or hard driveso i did dvd and it worked :D So then I tried repairing like it said and it failed... So now I'm gonna have to wipe my hard drvie and reinstall windows 7 =/

Thanks, Chris

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It sounds like you encountered a common error related to booting up your laptop. While you managed to boot from the DVD drive and tried to repair the installation as advised, it seems like the repair process failed, leading you to consider wiping the hard drive and performing a clean installation of Windows 7. Here's a detailed guide on how you can approach this situation:

### Steps to Perform a Clean Installation of Windows 7:

1. Backup Your Data:
- Before proceeding with the installation, ensure you have backed up all important data from your laptop. This is crucial as a clean installation will erase all data on the hard drive.

2. Prepare Installation Media:
- Since you mentioned that you attempted to boot from a Windows installation disc, make sure you have a bootable Windows 7 installation disc or a USB drive.

3. Boot from Installation Media:
- Insert the Windows installation disc or connect the bootable USB drive to your laptop.
- Restart your laptop and enter the BIOS settings. Look for the boot order settings and make sure that your DVD drive or USB drive is set as the first boot device.
- Save the changes, exit the BIOS, and let the laptop boot from the installation media.

4. Start the Installation:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to start the Windows 7 installation process.
- When prompted, choose the option to install Windows and proceed with the installation steps.

5. Partition and Format the Drive:
- During the installation process, you will reach a step where you need to select the drive where Windows will be installed.
- You can choose to format the existing partition or create new partitions as needed before proceeding with the installation.

6. Complete Installation:
- Allow the installation process to complete. This may take some time depending on your laptop's specifications.

7. Drivers and Updates:
- After the installation is complete, make sure to install the necessary drivers for your laptop's hardware components. You can download these from Samsung's official website.

8. Restore Data:
- Once Windows 7 is successfully installed, you can restore your backed-up data to your laptop.

### Additional Tips:
  • Ensure that your laptop's battery is charged or plugged in during the installation process to avoid any interruptions.
  • Double-check the Windows 7 version you have (e.g., Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional) to ensure compatibility with your product key.

By following these steps, you should be able to perform a clean installation of Windows 7 on your Samsung R60+ laptop. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, feel free to ask for assistance. Good luck with the reinstallation process, Chris!
