
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Though it is not in the headlines much these days, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is worsening, with the number of infected people and the number of people killed by the disease being dramatically underreported.
In fact, as noted by Britain’s The Guardian newspaper, the number of people in West Africa who have contracted the disease has risen well above 16,000, and the death toll nearly 7,000, according to the World Heath Organization, which warned that those figures are most probably low.
The number of deaths is more than 1,000 higher than the figure issued by the WHO just two days ago, but it is thought to include deaths that have gone unreported in the weeks or months since the outbreak began. Most of the new deaths were recorded in Liberia.
Again, WHO officials have warned that the agency’s figures are most likely being significantly underestimated. That’s because reliable data from the outbreak has been spotty, at best, and totals often rise a great deal when information backlogs are cleared.
The latest confirmed figures indicate that nearly half of those who were known to have been infected with the deadly virus have perished.
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