VIDEO 911 call reveals new details about the F-35 jet that went missing


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

911 Call Reveals New Details about the F-35 Jet Incident​

The YouTube video titled "911 call reveals new details about the F-35 jet that went missing" covers the story of an F-35 fighter jet incident in South Carolina. The pilot, moments after ejecting from the aircraft, can be heard on a 911 call seeking rescue and assistance.

Key Points from the Video:​

  • The pilot, after ejecting from the F-35 fighter jet, landed safely in a backyard.
  • The 911 call captures the pilot's urgency in requesting rescue operations.
  • The pilot describes his escape and mentions minimal injuries, primarily back pain.
  • An aircraft failure is cited as the cause of the incident.
  • The F-35 program's performance is brought into focus, with a recent report indicating a mission capable rate of about 55%, falling short of performance goals.

Relevance for Windows Users:​

  • This incident highlights the critical role of technology and machinery in modern defense systems.
  • Windows users interested in aviation technology and defense updates may find this video informative.
  • Insights into the performance and reliability of advanced systems like the F-35 can offer valuable perspectives for technology enthusiasts.
The detailed recounting of the F-35 jet incident provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by military aircraft and underscores the importance of maintaining high standards in technology and performance. For more information and a visual perspective, you can watch the full video on YouTube.
