Windows 7 Aero issue


New Member
Jan 21, 2009
In vista, aero works as it is suppose to but in win 7 I get the following error

Link Removed[/URL]

How do I fix this issue?


What graphics card do you have?
Are the drivers up to date?

What graphics card do you have?
Are the drivers up to date?

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I have an on-board grahics card on my intel D945gtp mobo. Drivers are up to date.

The way I fixed the issue was to run the Windows Experience rating thing. It came back with a low score on the graphics which pretty much told me that my on board vid card would not work with aero. I got a new vid card, and ran the test again. It automatically updated everything and Aero is working fine now.

The way I fixed the issue was to run the Windows Experience rating thing. It came back with a low score on the graphics which pretty much told me that my on board vid card would not work with aero. I got a new vid card, and ran the test again. It automatically updated everything and Aero is working fine now.

But it works on vista so it should work on win 7 as well.

I agree, it "should" but if you run the experience test and for whatever reason (buggy from what I"ve read) it thinks ur vid card isn't good enough. It won't let you run aero. /shrug I wish I had a better answer :(
