Windows 10 Alternatives to Network Filesharing?


New Member
Mar 27, 2016
I have 2 computers connected via Ethernet. Both computers run Windows 10 Home x64.

The base networking fileshare works fine after both computers are rebooted, however after some time of being on, the networking just stops on either computer. I've had this issue since I started using fileshare in Windows 7, and it's continued in each edition of Windows I've had on several computers.

What programs are there available to substitute this failure of filesharing that will keep up with the speeds I already have over 10/100/1000 mbs Ethernet?

They turn off because windows knows you don't use them and saves power... network shares comes down to the hardware and there are lots of different options now days.

  • what are the shares used for i.e, are we talking a place to store movies that you watch maybe once a year or documents that need to load super fast?
  • are the files staying put or being replaced with new versions on a day by day transfer?
  • do you need sercurity on the files being shared so the kids don't watch your porn or are you happy to let whom ever is on the network use these files?
  • does the share only need to work on moden systems or does someone still have xp | vista?

  • Moving, copying, or just accessing files from either computer to the other.
  • This is a Dual PC Setup, one is more for media & drawing, the other is more for gaming, high performance programs and backups.
  • Backups of files, preferably when they're changed. I have 2 1TB drives for this that I've tried doing File History on, but it just filled up quickly.

small cheap file sharing is as easy as plugging a usb stick or hdd into the usb port of your router
see; Insider Preview - Home Group between Win 8, win 10 and Win 7

other options are nas (long term) or cloud (fast transfer of files that change a lot) systems and range from $200 (2t) and keep going up... understand that these drives add the option to reach your data from outside the home network eg, use your mobile phone while waiting at the airport to download a document from your home and for the most part only work with moden systems W8 and up.

I am not doing this over the internet, I'm not doing this over a router, i'm doing this over Ethernet with 1 computer right next to the other.

so computer1 > cross over cable > computer 2? ... in this case you have no other options mate.

computer1 > normal network cable > router > normal network cable (or wifi) > computer2 ... is what I recommend and this router does not need to be on the internet if you don't want it to be... you could also add a vmware | hyper-v bridge into this senario but without at least a router I can't help sorry.

Wtf are you talking about no other options?

"They turn off because windows knows you don't use them and saves power"
If Windows is turning it off there should be an option to turn it back on, or something like restarting services within Task Manager.

I shouldn't need a router or some other crap just to keep up filesharing, and no A Cross Over Cable has the same issue as it's doing the same thing an Ethernet Cable is doing in this situation.

Take a use of third party software. Many third party software support filesharing. Like AOMEI Backupper, you can use it to sync files between two computers free. If you do not want to use the network anymore, you can try to use this freeware to automatic backup files to a USB hard drive. Then, transfer files to other computer with this USB drive.
