VIDEO Ancient Cities Discovered Underwater


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Ancient Cities Discovered Underwater
In the captivating YouTube video titled "Ancient Cities Discovered Underwater," viewers are taken on a thrilling journey exploring the archaeological discoveries of cities submerged beneath the sea. This fascination for ancient civilizations that have vanished over time often conjures images of advanced cultures lost to the depths due to natural disasters, rising sea levels, and other catastrophic events.
The video highlights significant archaeological sites such as:
1. Helike: This city, a crucial member of the Achaean League and involved in the Trojan War, was destroyed around 373 BCE by a combination of an earthquake and tsunami. Its discovery in 2001, near the village of Rizo Milos, revealed a city that had succumbed to soil liquefaction and coastal erosion.
2. Eunwon: This ancient city, located beneath Lake Fushan in China, is believed to be home to the Yunnan civilization. The city was engulfed during an earthquake, leaving behind 30 buildings and a 69-foot high pyramid, with artifacts dating back 1750 years.
3. Baiae: Once a luxurious resort for wealthy Romans, Baiae was buried under the sea between the 3rd and 5th centuries due to geological phenomena. It reflects the hedonistic lifestyle enjoyed by its inhabitants.
4. Dwarka: Known as the first capital of Gujarat, India, this city, reputedly founded by Lord Krishna, faced significant coastal erosion around 1500 BCE, leaving remnants submerged in the Gulf of Khambat.
5. Thonis-Heracleion: This ancient Egyptian port city was discovered in 2000 after being submerged around 800 CE due to subsidence and rising sea levels. Its extensive archaeological excavations have yielded remarkable artifacts.
The video also discusses several other submerged locations, such as Pavlo Petri, the oldest known submerged city, which dates back 5,000 years, and Rakotus, which is associated with ancient Alexandria. Each site provides evidence of the advanced civilizations that once thrived above sea level.
Interestingly, the video also delves into questionable claims regarding supposed submerged cities, such as the Bimini Road in the Bahamas and the Yonaguni Monument in Japan, offering a critical perspective on their origins and the geological processes that may have shaped them.
As we ponder the mysteries of these submerged cities, the video underscores the significance of maritime archaeology. By uncovering these historical sites, researchers help reconstruct the rich tapestry of human history and cultural development.
What do you think about the discoveries highlighted in the video? Have you come across any interesting research on submerged cities? Let’s hear your thoughts and discuss!
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