VIDEO Another Trump Official Quits And Warns Of Looming Mass Exodus Of Staffers


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
🇺🇸 :shocked:

Another Trump Official Quits And Warns Of Looming Mass Exodus Of Staffers
In a revealing video, we explore the resignation of Bethany Milton, a former employee at the U.S. State Department, who has voiced her frustrations with the Trump administration. Having served for 11 years, with two of those under Trump's leadership, Milton penned a poignant op-ed detailing her reasons for leaving the federal government.
She specifically cited Trump's influence and the atmosphere of bigotry that pervaded his administration, a sentiment encapsulated by a rally where chants of "send her back"—directed at Congresswoman Ilhan Omar—left her feeling she could no longer support the administration’s actions and ideals. Milton’s departure is not an isolated incident; she warned that many other experienced government officials are contemplating similar exits. They'd rather leave their positions than align themselves with what they see as a destructive and corrupt management style.
Milton's argument goes beyond personal feelings—she fears a significant loss of knowledgeable staff could lead to catastrophic consequences for the functioning of government agencies. The video elaborates that if a mass exodus occurs, the federal government might fall into the hands of inexperienced individuals, akin to the appointments of Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos, further deteriorating the effectiveness of essential services.
As we stand in 2024, this commentary serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges and conversations surrounding competency in government appointments. The significant turnover of experienced officials could have long-term impacts on how policies are enacted and services administered, a topic worth discussing within our community.
What are your thoughts on the implications of such a mass exit? Have you witnessed similar trends in your own professional environments? Let's share experiences and perspectives!
